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Got Porous Bones? You may have Osteoporosis.

July 12, 2017

Porous Bones: It May Be Time To Pour On The Resistance!

I have spent the last couple of years researching Osteoporosis and ways in which bone density can be retained or remodeled. Following is an extremely brief summary. Osteoporosis (literally) means “porous bones” and affects more than 3 millions Americans annually. It is a disorder in which the density and quality of the bones are reduced, making them fragile. This aliment increases the risk of fracture and often occurs with NO SYMPTOMS and progressively. In fact, the first symptom may not occur until the first fracture. The most common occurrences are at the hip, spine and wrist. Furthermore, the risk for Osteoporosis increases the older we get.

If you have been diagnosed with Osteoporosis or porous bones, we recommend speaking with your physician about your course of treatment. In addition, we urge our clients to research the benefits of resistance training to aid in the possible retention and/or remodeling of bone. Having said this, it’s important to note that there is a definite methodology associated with lifting weights to achieve this end, so that the results can be accomplished without injury. We encourage you to look into the numerous articles on the web regarding Bone Remodeling, Osteoporosis  and Training.

At My Health Studio, we can assist you with development of a program that can increase your bone mineral density and reduce bone mineral loss. Our trampoline classes are the prefect workouts for those looking to pour on the resistance in their exercise routines. Feel like a kid again by bouncing on a fitness trampoline all while losing weight and strengthening bones (in addition to many of its other benefits). If you need help putting together a program or want to look into our JumpSport Fitness trampoline classes, please contact My Health Studio directly. Don’t let Osteoporosis prevent you from having a complete workout, reaching your weight goals or achieving a healthy lifestyle.

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